So, I guess it's been awhile since I've posted. I actually think quite often, "Oh--I should blog that." However, I guess I haven't followed through on those thoughts since January! So, what have we been doing? Here's a quick list:
1--Anna and Leah learned tons of HARD words for the school spelling bee. Leah won-- Yeah, Leah!
2--Anna's Reflections poem went on to the state competition and she received an Award of Merit at the state level.
3--Hosted Spencer's family for a few days. Fun with cousins. Nice to get the office finally cleaned up before their visit.
4--Planted flower seeds to save me TONS of money in May.
5--Replanted flower seeds--please come up little seeds!
6--Spring Break: Laser Tag, Power Tumbling, Library, Park, Shopping, Shooting Range at Cabella's
7--Made two of the four hula dresses that need to be done by April 30th
8--TAXES--not done yet
9--Easter eggs
10--General Conference
11--Two Great Brains completed--one to go (Research reports the kids do at school)
12--Read a couple of books Anna handed me. Can't remember titles, but they were good.
13--Participated in a Chicago conference via teleconferencing focused on using tele-intervention to provide services for deaf and hard of hearing kids.
14--Beamed as Alex sings Row Row Row Your Boat--I'd document it, but he's very particular as to who can hear him sing
15--Counted up 80 words that Alex uses
16--Lost part of Alex's processor at Wal-Mart-- and found it (after a quick prayer)!
17--Watched the Olympics as much as we could--Yeah Lycacek!
18--Bought a Wii
19--Listen peacefully to kids practicing the piano before they can play the Wii
20--Played a piano/organ duet in church--boy, did I work hard on that!
One of the therapists that works with Alex emailed me to ask me to explain what I did in a typical day so that she could come up with a session for Alex related to our regular routine. That was an interesting exercise for me. What do I do? Usually I think in terms of --What Didn't I Do? Those things always seem so obvious. It seemed so hard to type out what I actually do in a day--because the days pass by so quickly and always feel so jam-packed. Yet, what did I do? I'm not sure! At least I can review the above list and know that several things did happen in the last few months.