Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Leah's Baptism

Leah was baptized on Saturday. She has been so excited all month! I know that she invited two teachers from school to attend--and one of them came. We enjoyed visits from lots of family on her special day. She was very sweet all dressed in white. Just before the baptism, she said that her stomach hurt, but she braved it all very well--even going under the water. It is easy to tell that she is happy to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.


trevorteusc said...

Cute pictures! Pretty little Leah in her white baptism dress. It was a very nice day. WE all had a good time. I bet you were exhausted by the time everyone left from just the cooking alone! (good potato salad by the way) Also, love the little mortar board hats at your preschool graduation

Jenny said...

Your family is just beautiful. I love the family picture! Congratulations, Leah!