Thursday, May 26, 2011


In December I was released from Primary and I now serve in the nursery and as the Wolf den leader in cub scouts. This has been a big change for me. I sure miss Primary, but I'm also really enjoying these new spots. I had thought that losing the responsibilites I had as Primary President would free up my schedule. However, that has not been the case. I am constantly amazed at how busy life can be. I think it just comes with having older children. We hosted Spencer's family for 3 weeks while they waited out the radiation in Japan--they live on the naval base there. It was very fun to have them--but the house always seemed to be shaking with the 9 children we had running around. My sister-in-law was a great help and seemed to be amused by all of our comings and goings. Now that summer vacation starts tomorrow, we're ready for another change. Hopefully, a nice relaxing one!

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