Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Some genetics

We found out this past week the cause of Alex's hearing loss--it is genetic. Spencer and I both have a recessive gene, conexxin 26, which results in hearing loss. It is so strange to find this out. We had a 25% chance with each pregnancy to have a baby with hearing loss. Luckily, I didn't know that during my 5 pregnancies! Also, we don't see hearing loss in our family lines, so we never would have guessed that we had this possibility. There is a positive side to having this information. I'm glad to know that I didn't "do anything wrong" while pregnant with him. For Alex, we know that his hearing loss isn't caused by another syndrome that could cause more problems for him. This is a great relief. And now we move on.


Marianne said...

WOW! It's good news that there isn't anything else going on...and it's good you didn't know this was a possibility with your other pregnancies!! He's SUCH a cute little guy, we love him!! In fact, we love all of you guys!!

Angie said...

Nancy I just want you to know that I think you are a wonderful mother! No matter what challenges may come your way you face them with dignity and virtue. Thanks for always being a great example to me of a mother who cares! Also thanks for your friendship of almost 12 years!