Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

I think Spencer had this photo taken for something official at school. It turns out that I don't have pictures in my photo folder of just him--or me--for that matter, so I'll post this formal picture. (I guess we always focus the camera on the kids.) However, it's February...and time to focus on my spouse. So, Spencer, here are ten reasons why I love you.
1) You told me I looked beautiful and ready to go on a date minutes after Alex was born.
2) You are encouraging us all to learn sign--and making us use it.
3) You don't complain that we can't spend the night in homes that have cats.
4) You've only once asked me to not make a particular dinner again.
5) You loved me even after you saw what a wimpy bike rider I am.
6) You didn't give up after I ran off on Valentine's Day when we were dating.
7) You are taking us to Disneyland.
8) You try so hard to be good.
9) You can make me laugh.
10) You are so handsome, of course!

1 comment:

music mom said...

How sweet Nancy! I like your new comments about life and the things your kids are saying and doing. Cute! Disneyland looks so fun! I was looking for pictures of Anna's new haircut, so post some soon!